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Trainings for Healthcare Teams

The purpose of the training is to generate real change in the minds and hearts of healthcare professionals and eradicate prejudice and misconception regarding transgender individuals. We aim to provide a real understanding of the lives, challenges, needs and barriers trans people face when coming into contact with the healthcare system. We also provide information regarding the existing channels through which trans people need to go in order to receive adequate treatment within the medical and welfare systems.

Through this training we also aim to form alliances with healthcare professionals, so they can later become a contact point in their institutions and assist in knowledge sharing on the trans experience within their professional settings. 

Throughtout the training we provide pamphlets with explanations on how to offer appropriate treatment to transgender patients, as well as postcards with the details of the organizations that provide aid to the trans community. “Safe space” stickers are also given to participants to place at their clinics. This is to provide a sense of security to LGBTQ patients, but also  to raise awareness among staff and the general public about the  proper treatment of marginalized communities of all kinds.

The training is designed for medical staff, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, welfare teams, administrative teams and medical and welfare students.

The trainings are held by Nina Halevy, who is part of the Gila project and is also the public representative to the Ministry of Health’s National Committee for the Approval of Gender Reassignment Procedures, and by Leeoz levy, a trans-queer activist, a writer and an artist who is well-informed about the life of our community over the years, and also acompanies women before and after undertaking surgery.


Thank you for entering the form and we are full and full of hope that we will meet you and your team soon :)

The cost of the workshop is 2000 NIS for a session of about an hour and a half for up to 50 employees.
All proceeds are a donation for the Gila project for trans empowerment and are returned to the community.

 הרשמה לסדנת גילה מעסיקה

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Gila Goldstein project in collaboration with Google Gaot to promote equal employment.

Please note: as part of the collaboration with Google - the first 50 employers will receive a significant benefit:
Workshop at a price of 1200 NIS only


Companies with a diverse workforce were also found to be the most innovative companies with 19% more profit
derived from innovation**

 ** according toResearch of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) from 2018 among 1,700 companies in 8 countries


Training for Medical Teams and Social Welfare Workers

The Israeli medical and social welfare systems do not adequately address the needs of our communities. Due to prevalent transphobia, a lack of information and inappropriate treatment, many members of our communities tend to avoid the medical, mental and social welfare services they require. In order to promote the rights of our community and improve the services offered by the health care system, we created the Gila Training Project. In the past two years we met with over 3000 medical staff, mental health workers, psychologists, social workers, nursing teams and administrators and provided them with the tools needed to work with all members of the trans community. 

* as perResearch of the consulting company McKinsey from 2019 among 1,000 companies in 15 countries

Positive Visibility

We aspire to promote positive visibility for our community on social media and to reach as many members of the community as possible. We aim to share our voice and present the immense power of the transgender community

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